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Sunday, October 11, 2020
By J.DavisPhotography
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Fall portrait season is here and the calendar is filling up fast. Kicking things of this season is this momma and her four boys, or stallions, as she refers to them. They are all strong, independent and loyal to her and each other thanks to her strength as a single mom. She wanted something a bit different for the portraits, including some not-so-smiley ones for fun and to show off that toughness. So after some initial portraits, we headed down to the lake for a sunset session to bring her family portrait vision to life. Thankfully the weather, sunset and boater's maneuvering their trailers into the water all cooperated and we got "the" shot (last image). It is always fun stepping outside of the normal family portraits and doing something different. If you want something unique, hit me up and let's see what we can do for you!

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